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Mosquito Control Solutions

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Meet Our Mosquito Man

David Miller earned the title 'Mosquito Man' by concentrating on the natural control of insects, especially mosquitoes for the last 40 years. Most of my work was based on the practical application of eliminating mosquito breeding sites by the IPM method.

Integrated Pest Management, which is a combination of biological, mechanical and chemical methods. I wasn’t an 'ivory tower' lab type, I looked forward to going out in the field with my crews looking for mosquito breeding sites full of mosquitoes that we could eliminate safely and if possible, permanently. I would guess that I have been responsible for the demise of trillions of mosquitoes.

Natural Outdoor Mosquito Treatment

Get in touch with the team at Nature's Way Natural Pest Control Inc to get mosquito control services and manage the infestation of mosquitoes in your living space. We make our own products. Our products are made from organic and natural plant extracts. Call us today!

This service is done during the daytime when mosquito are concentrated in the hiding place during the heat of the day. We use only natural plant extracts, essential oils and hydrosols. It works great!!!
Quality mosquito services

Check Out Our Reviews

Reviews About Our Natural Outdoor Mosquito Treatment Service
"Dear Dave,

We just wanted you to know how much your wonderful service has meant to us being able to enjoy our property. We live on a deep waterfront lot with a great deal of vegetation and we could not open the door to the outside without mosquitoes swarming into our house. We were planning to have a large screened enclosure built in the back yard, so we could enjoy the backyard.
We are no longer planning to have the screened enclosure built. We don’t need it, and since your product is organic, we do not have to worry about polluting the waterway behind our house.
We are very happy we have discovered your service. We would gladly recommend it to anyone. If it works here, it will work anywhere!"
Sincerely, Mike and Cindy Napper, Palm Valley

"Dear Dave,
I want to take this opportunity to thank you for developing a natural pesticide! You have made my life much easier and free from worry regarding the results of chemical sprays.
After my six-month period of vertigo due to pesticides I have been too scared to expose myself to any kind of spray. I am currently on the Prior Notification List with the Dept. of Entomology. The natural ingredients in your spray do not bother me. Also, the sprays you use kill the mosquitoes but do not affect my frog pond or my butterfly gardens."

Thank you again, Marie Rose, Jacksonville Beach
"Dear Dave,
Since moving to our new house close to the marsh, we couldn’t enjoy our backyard without slathering bug spray to keep from getting carried away by the mosquitoes or yellow flies. That was until we started your service. Now after work Susie and I can sit in our big backyard and relax while we watch Madison frolic with our new puppy. The smelly bug spray is stashed somewhere in the laundry room."
Best Regards, Brad Corwin, Atlantic Beach
"Dear Dave,

I just wanted to write you a note thanking you for your help with our terrible mosquito problem. They were so bad at our house that we would count to three before jumping out of the car to run into our house. And forget about trying to walk out and get the mail. I would have to drive the car out to the mailbox.

Your service has eliminated the mosquito problem on our property. I am terrifically impressed with how well it has worked. I am also very happy that it’s organic, eliminating any concern about repeatedly using pesticides."
I highly recommend your service! Linda Therrell Miles, Palm Valley Florida
Nature's Way Natural Pest Control For Flying Insects Field Application Demonstrations.

Mosquito Tidbits

• Plant your mosquitoes! Plant sweet basil, geraniums or garlic around your patio to repel mosquitoes. 

• Trap them! Put a 5-gallon bucket half-filled with water in a damp, shady corner. Put in ½ cup of sweet-smelling dishwashing liquid like Lemon Joy. The mosquitoes will land on the water and drown.

 • Gone with the wind! Blow them away! A fan in a doorway or across the patio is like a hurricane to mosquitoes.

 • A walk in the park! Most mosquitoes that plague people near wooded areas lay their eggs in the soil in depressions, which fill with water after rainfall events. After it rains, walk through the woods in your house and look in these spots. Often you can see the mosquito larva or “wigglers” in the water. If you don’t know what they look like, watch a YouTube of them in action. You can treat these areas yourself safely, (get the owner’s permission first.) Use a light mineral oil such as Bonide Larvicide Oil. It breaks the surface tension, and the larva sink and drown. Tip: Add an ounce of fish oil for every gallon of larvicide oil. The smell of fish will keep mother mosquito from laying eggs again in that spot.
• Oil it! If you have a rain barrel or a bird bath, add a few tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil. It won’t hurt the birds, but it will drown the mosquito larva.
• Liar, liar, pants on fire! Remember the mosquito encased in amber in the movie Jurassic Park? That was a Toxorhychites mosquito; Tox for short. Tox mosquitoes don’t bite people or animals. They feed on plant juice so that it couldn’t have sucked up any dinosaur DNA. A Toxorhychites mosquito was chosen because it is the world’s largest mosquito.
• Dracula, smacula! So, you think count Dracula could drink some blood? When people think of mosquitoes, they usually think of swamps and jungle. The worst place for mosquitoes is on the arctic tundra when the permafrost melts in the spring. That’s when the arctic mosquito - Aedes communis, hatches by the trillions. They’re waiting for the caribou herds to arrive. When they do, some unlucky, slow animals will be covered with mosquitoes like fur and exsanguinated. That’s drained completely dry of blood, by the way.
• Angel of death! If there is someone with a disease such as dengue fever, malaria, or Zitka virus and the mosquito bites them and then bites you, you can get the disease. It is estimated that mosquitoes have killed more people than all the wars in human history and still kill one person every 70 seconds!
• What are mosquitoes good for? That’s what the kids used always to ask me when I’d teach classes in schools. I wasn’t going to tell them the real answer - which is mosquitoes are nature’s hypodermic needles used to spread deadly organisms, especially viruses, around. Instead, I’d just tell them, “Yes, mosquitoes are there to make sure you kids go home at night!”
Guide to common Florida mosquitoes

We Have Over 50 Years of Experience

Call us for a FREE consultation!

(904) 813-3094

(904) 813-3094
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